Michelle Heijdelberger

Michelle Heijdelberger

My name is Michelle (31), and I am a mom to a daughter, Sem (4), and a son, Luuk (2). With my great love, Rens, I live in a cozy dike house in Heijningen.

MamaKracht stands for being able to listen to your own feelings and strength. Sometimes that (motherly) intuition goes against the current, and sometimes it calmly flows along. Everything in between is fine, as long as you connect with your inner voice and listen to it. 

My mission as a doula is to spread knowledge, regain confidence in yourself and your own body, and create an environment in which mom (and dad) feels heard and supported during a moment when she is at her most vulnerable and entering a new phase of her life.


Contact information

Hoge Heijningsedijk 4, 4794 AA Heijningen, Nederland


