Monique Koopmans

Monique Koopmans

Hi, I'm Monique. Biologist, pregnancy teacher, doula and mother. With my scientific background in biology, training as a doula, my passion for birth science and knowledge of guidelines and protocols, I support you during pregnancy and birth with relevant information, trust in your body and I show you all the options you have.

I am a doula with a passion for women wanting to make their own conscious choices. Women who think for themselves about why they do the things they do and who consider what is important to them. I support you in that and substantiate your choices with scientific research.

I am a fan of supporting the natural birthing process, even if you have a medical indication or if you want to give birth in a hospital. With an induction or caesarean section, there is still so much to choose from and you can do so much to support the natural hormones. And you will want that, because it improves your experience, your possible breastfeeding, your recovery and bonding with your baby.

If you want to know more, check or send me an email at for a free and non-binding introductory meeting!


Contact information

Queridostraat 27, 3532 EB Utrecht