Tinka Reins-Kraeima

Tinka Reins-Kraeima

Hi, my name is Tinka, married and mother of 4 wonderful sons. In addition to Doula, I am a pregnancy teacher at the Samen Bevallen association and a teacher at an MBO in Zwolle.

Because of the courses I give with a lot of energy and passion, I know what is going on with pregnant women (and their partner). I work from my heart, with a lot of feeling and an eye for my 'pregnants' and their partner. I look, ask, notice and feel where the needs lie and what is needed at what time. I never replace the partner's role, but help the partner in his/her support to the childbirth.

I help you to face the birth with confidence and to support you during the birth where necessary. In such a way that you can look back on the birth with a good feeling.

I look forward to our acquaintance!


Contact information

Nilantsweg 11, 8019 BJ Zwolle, Nederland


