Eva Luna Jansen

Eva Luna Jansen

In 2024 I am only physically available to attend births in North Holland in APRIL and MAY! Is your estimated due date around this time? Fantastic, write me! ♡♡♡

My name is Eva. I am a birth keeper who believes that women are wise and that birth is sacred. I love my role as birth doula. Getting to know you and your birth partner, discovering together where to focus on, what to release. Being unconditionally present at your side, as you birth your baby and as you birth yourself into parenthood. Sensing what is needed in the moment.. Being a bridge between you, your birth partner and the birth-team. To look back together to something so precious and powerful. And to look forward, into the eyes of baby; the future.

I’ve been walking the doula path for over 3 years now (since 2021), studying with BiA Doula. I also studied hypno-birthing; working with the breath and guided meditation to come into a state of deep relaxation, before and during birth.

For years I have worked as a social worker, offering therapy for body and mind to women with ‘disorders’. I love to travel and to see how pregnancy and birth is experienced all over our planet. In Bali, Indonesia I’ve had the chance to volunteer at the Bumi Sehat, which is an amazing birth center.

I also organize Mother Blessings for pregnant women in which they are heard, seen and celebrated, in this unique time in their lives. Through all of these experiences I have been blessed to have met and served women of all walks of life, and have witnessed their power.

I love to combine the grounded, hands down birth preparations with the more ethereal side of birth, through ritual and ceremony. Together we tailor the program to fit your personal wishes.

My guidance includes;- 3-4 prenatal sessions; - my presence and support during the entire labor and birth; - 1-2 post partum sessions; - unlimited availability via chat and phone; - 24/7 on-call from week 38.

I currently offer this guidance for 1200 euros.

In addition to my full and loving doula support, I am also available for online one-off doula sessions, mother blessing rituals, rebozo closing of the bones rituals, and tarot readings.

Are you interested? Do you have questions? Don’t hesitate to message me. I am looking forward to it!