Maartje Bruning

Maartje Bruning

As a 'down to earth doula,' I am actively recommended by various gynecologists and midwifery practices in and around Amsterdam. I have been working full-time as a passionate birth doula for 12 years. By now, I have assisted in nearly 400 births, both at home and in the hospital. I am the mother of two teenage daughters and live with my partner and dog in gorgeous Monnickendam, off of Amsterdam Noord.

Als mens en als doula ben ik ben bevlogen, enthousiast, nieuwsgierig en gepassioneerd. Stil wanneer het moet en positief energiek aanwezig als het nodig is. Ik ben nog altijd vereerd een aanstaande moeder haar eigen kracht zien te ontdekken en dankbaar als ik daar aan bij heb mogen dragen.

In 2013, I completed the JJ doula training, and in 2014, I became certified as a Birthlight prenatal yoga instructor. In 2016, I pursued further education in the United States with Pro Doula to learn more about clinical births with pain relief (including epidural anesthesia). A new world was opening up to me: giving birth in a clinical setting with a home birth mentality IS VERY MUCH possible. 

During the private workshop ‘Birthing Basics,’ which I developed personally, you and your partner will learn in one afternoon everything you need to know about childbirth in the Dutch setting (either at home or in hospital). You will receive practical tips and evidence-based information on how to harness the power of your baby’s birth. Your birth partner is JUST as important as you and will learn exactly what to do and when! You can also attend this workshop separately if you wish to go through your birth without a doula.

In 2019, I founded 'de Doula Academie' ( to share my clinical, physiological and pathological doula knowledge across the Netherlands. I work in close collaboration with a professional team of doctors, midwives, and doula's to have more doula's become the best doula they can be. It's a dream come true!

Contact me to see if we are a good fit and if I still have a spot available in my schedule. I only have limited availability each month, especially during Doula Academie teaching season! You will always have a doula by your side if you choose to work with me. If (for whatever reason) it cannot be me at your bed- or birthpool side, you get the best possible back up doula (trained by me).