Rachel Scheweer

Rachel Scheweer (intern)

Hello, I am happy to see you are looking for a doula and it is nice of you that you are looking at my profile.

From february 2024 onwards, I will start the doula-course. But with all my experience as a midwife student and now working with a midwife, and because I already had 2 of my own (3rd on the way), I hope you will trust me to support you during this special time.

Trust is the key to our collaboration: to trust each other and the process of being pregnant, delivering and being a parent; a collaboration, because I will not tell you how it is done or what is best. Every person is unique and has its own needs/necessities.

I will be there to discover those necessities together, with you as a pregnant woman, with you as a partner and with you as a couple becoming parents. On the way to a new life.

I don’t have a website yet, but I keep a blog: rachels-blogs@weebly.com. Take a look if you want to get to know me.

I am looking forward to meeting you, but I figure you don’t want just anybody to be part of this special time. Just contact me to get to know each other and make a choice later.

Whatever this choice will be, I wish you a good pregnancy, delivery and maternity period.

Next to English, I also speak Dutch and Fries.


Contact information

8411 KN, Jubbega


