Saskia Schipper

Saskia Schipper

Welcome! I’m Saskia Schipper. I support women and their partners during pregnancy and birth (at home or in hospital) as a birth doula and/or as a perinatal (yoga)teacher. I’m offering postnatal support as well as a postnatal doula and postnatal (yoga)teacher for mother and baby. I can offer specific help and advice when you are dealing with PGP and/or diastasis recti.

I am a mother of 2 myself. Being pregnant and presenting a new child into this world. Becoming parents, a family. The most normal and natural thing in the world. At the same time one of the most outstanding, powerful and transformative times of your live, in my own experience. For me this is the clearest motivation to support you as (soon to be) mother and father in this beautiful process.

My motto: let’s not be hard on ourselves when we can do things together! As a doula I am able to give you all the attention your deserve. All of the questions you might have concerning pregnancy, giving birth, your postpartum time, and parenthood, as well as any concerns, moments of happiness, your experiences, and desires: I am there for you, experiencing all of this together with you with a kind and loving heart. I will guard your sacred space and time. And provide for support and information where needed.

Please call or mail me in case you feel ready to receive this kind of nurturing. Or take a peek at my website first Together all is lighter!


Contact information

Aetsveld 2, 3645 XP Vinkeveen, Nederland